However, people who are addicted to crack may purchase much more, spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on the drug per day. Most people only purchase one gram at a time. Reports from more recent years suggest the drug costs about $60 to $100 per gram. Street dealers often mix powdered cocaine with water and baking soda and boil the mixture into a solid, rock-like substance called crack cocaine or just “crack.” Crack Cocaine Street ValueĪ study from 2004 showed that crack cocaine prices ranged between $18 and $200, with the average cost being $109. In most cases, though, cocaine is considered an illegal drug. Some health care providers use it as an anesthetic before surgery. 10 Tips For Preventing Teen Substance AbuseĬocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that can make you feel extremely happy and energized.Secular Organizations For Sobriety (SOS).